Gentle Yoga and Mindfulness for Thanksgiving

As the holiday season rolls forward through the fall, time seems to slip by. We go from Halloween to Thanksgiving, next thing we know it’s Hanukkah and then Christmas and New Years. With so much going on it’s imperative we care for ourselves to minimize stress and maximize relaxation. Whether you’re staying home this year or braving travel, being a guest or hosting and cooking, here are a few tips to keep cool, calm, and collected for holiday season 2020.


Meditation is not a trend, it’s an ancient tool for mindfulness practice and is here to stay. Meditation and yoga go together like peanut butter and chocolate. While they do not have to be combined, their efficacies and benefits double when you do. This holiday season, in addition to your gentle yoga practice, take some time for yourself to sit and meditate. Studies have been done that show the long-term benefits of mediation. Some of the many benefits to aid you in your preparation for family, friends, and food are:

  1. Mindfulness – meditation offers insight to our thoughts. We begin to see patterns emerge and learn to better control them. Through this, we develop a sense of control over our minds instead of feeling they have a sense of control over us. This practice allows us to be less distracted and more present. Instead of being carried away with thoughts of past or future, we are able to stay in the present. Being present during the holidays is important. We give ourselves the gift of no longer being carried away by self-defeating thoughts in a joyous time. These are times to enjoy, relax, and appreciate all that we have.

  1. Calm – meditation has been proven to reduce symptoms of both anxiety and depression. What’s more? Meditation can also reduce the likeliness of social anxiety. By lowering mental and physical stress, the brain is better able to focus and make calm decisions. This can increase awareness and lessen nerves when it comes to interacting with your holiday guests. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to be a little extra sharp when preparing all that food!
  1. Improve Energy – by reducing stress, meditation improves the brain’s capability of getting a restful night’s sleep. With lowered stress, the brain will not be as inflamed and the body has less tension. It will be in better condition, better rested, more able to regulate proper sleep function. Studies show that people who regularly meditate are able to sleep for longer, more restful periods, leaving you rested and energized for the holidays.
  1. Attention Span – did you know regular meditation practice can also increase our attention span? Now, it might not be the first thought you have to want to listen to more of that friend or family member’s opposing political view, but maybe it would help them listen to you speak about the benefits of holistic self-care in return. How can you be a better listener? Improve your attention span through mindfulness and meditation techniques.
  1. Empathy & Kindness – the holidays, while a happy time, can bring a lot of stress, even anger or sadness. Accept these feelings if they come. Validate yourself for whatever you notice. The practice of meditation will help you stop self-judgment by developing loving-kindness towards yourself. This effect expels from yourself to all those around you. When you increase your self-compassion and awareness, you increase your empathy and kindness towards those around you.

As the holiday season nears its peak, incorporate mindful meditation into your daily routine. Start with ten minutes a day and set an alarm to make it stick. Reap the benefits of an improved mind and have a Happy Thanksgiving season!

Feel free to comment below. Would love to know what resonates most with you?

Have a beautiful day & Namaste,

Jen James
Celestial Yoga, LLC

p.s. I help caregivers, first responders, and health care workers, manage chronic pain and stress through a holistic approach with gentle yoga exercises, mindfulness and self care techniques.

©2020 [Celestial Yoga, LLC]
Disclaimer: This program is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any illness or disease. The information provided in this program is for general educational purposes, has not been reviewed nor approved by the FDA and is not intended to take the place of advice from your medical professional, licensed dietitian or nutritionist. You are solely responsible for your health care and activity choices. We collect, use and process your data according to our Privacy Policy: