Holistic Holidays: Gentle Yoga, Mindfulness and More

Last month we talked about the benefits of mindfulness during the holiday season. We detailed for you the many mental and physical benefits of meditation in addition to your gentle yoga practice. December brings around the final month of the year, and with that much reflection. A Holistic lifestyle is one that is natural and organic in both practice and benefits. Here are 6 ways to add holistic happiness to your holidays.


Working out hits the button on your brain to release a flood of endorphins, the hormone that makes you energetic and happy. This will naturally decrease stress hormone production and keep your mind and body active which can lower the risk of injury and disease. Exercise will also boost your metabolic rate and improve blood flow and heart health.


There is plenty of food around during the holiday season. While most of it is decadent, not all of it will leave you feeling good after consumption. While you shouldn’t be overly strict on yourself during the holidays, don’t go too wild either. Too much alcohol, carbs and sugar can feel awesome at the moment and leave you with a serious crash afterwards that will be hard to fend off. A poor diet can lead to unwanted stress and even depression. Be mindful of your treat indulgences and balance it out with healthy foods when possible.


Getting plenty of rest is necessary for the last months of the year. We are running around preparing for holidays, enjoying the holidays, and stressing out from the holidays. Not to mention the days are shorter and often dimmer with natural lighting. Get plenty of sleep. It is not uncommon to feel the need to sleep more than usual in the winter and holiday months. Listen to your body and rest accordingly!


Keeping a journal can improve both mood and memory. If you’re not one to sit down for long periods and write about your day or thoughts, keep it simple. Journal one intention for the day, one positive affirmation, note your mood and write a few sentences about the memorable parts of your day. This can be a therapeutic way to process events and to let go of stress or practice gratitude for happy moments.


Breathing in various scented essential oils has proven to have many organic benefits. These benefits include but are not limited to improved sleep, alleviation of chronic pain, warding off headaches, reducing stress and anxiety, fighting bacteria and viruses, managing pain, and easing discomfort. Take a look online to find what essential oils might best suit your needs. A common way to practice aromatherapy at home is through an essential oil diffuser, usable indoors and outdoors.


Of course, as this is a yoga business, gentle yoga makes the list! Yoga can help you build up strength, combat stress, and balance your inner self. Through meditation, relaxation, breathing techniques, and poses yoga is one of the most renowned holistic practices you can incorporate into your life. By enhancing your mood, yoga will positively benefit your sense of wellbeing. It’s a time to check in on yourself and care for yourself.

Holistic practices will improve your life mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Taking the time to care for yourself is the best gift thisholiday season. Remember, you cannot be there for others if you do not first show up for yourself. Ready to learn more about yoga relaxation techniques? Reach out to us at CelestialYoga today to learn about how we can help you best enjoy this holiday season.

Feel free to comment below. Would love to know what resonates most with you?

Have a beautiful day & Namaste,

Jen James
Celestial Yoga, LLC

p.s. I help caregivers, first responders, and health care workers, manage chronic pain and stress through a holistic approach with gentle yoga exercises, mindfulness and self care techniques.

©2020 [Celestial Yoga, LLC]
Disclaimer: This program is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any illness or disease. The information provided in this program is for general educational purposes, has not been reviewed nor approved by the FDA and is not intended to take the place of advice from your medical professional, licensed dietitian or nutritionist. You are solely responsible for your health care and activity choices. We collect, use and process your data according to our Privacy Policy: www.celestialyoga.org