Budgeting and Time Management Techniques for Holistic Living and Working on a Budget

My Top 5 Tips on: Budgeting and Time Management Techniques for Holistic Living and Working on a Budget

1.   Practice Single Tasking vs. Multi-tasking.  When we focus our energy and attention on something for a period of time (while being present and mindful) we tend to make fewer mistakes and actually save time and energy.  Plus, our minds get into a repetitive, productive mode which then makes the task on hand more enjoyable and relaxing. 

2.   No SOS.  Don’t get caught up in the “Shiny Object Syndrome” When shopping think about is it really filling a need?  Ask yourself before you buy things: Does this bring me joy (like Marie Kondo says) or is it just filling a hole inside?

3.   FYI this is NOT diet advice (that’s not my thing) but just good ‘ol advice.  As Bethenny Frankel says in the Skinnygirl book: “You can have it all, just not all at once”  Write this down and put it on a mirror, in your purse, wherever – when you’re about to spend money on yourself, your family or your business repeat these words.

4.   Natural hair color – embrace the gray!  Coloring our hair is a major time kill and it isn’t good for us or the environment.  Whether you do it yourself or you get it done professionally, it costs precious time, money and resources

5. Live Simply.

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Have a beautiful day & Namaste,


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