Live a Simpler Live with Mindfulness Skills

Simplifying your life is more prominent now in the age of constantly growing internet and technology than it has ever been in the past. There is a reason you have been hearing more about mindfulness words like meditation, holism, yoga, and affirmations over the past year. With the heightened level of stress in the world, taking the time to slow down and simplify things may help you to lead a happier life. Below are a few ways you can begin incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine.


The sooner you accept that you will experience negative emotions throughout the course of your life, the sooner you can be at peace. While you cannot stop these emotions from happening, you can learn to control them so they don’t control you. Having the skills in place to cope with difficult emotions will allow you to be more at peace through the challenging times in life. You can do this by:

  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Journaling


There are a lot of contentious topics in the air lingering from last year. With the pandemic, politics, and more, it can feel like we never escape the stress of the world. Set a boundary to limit these serious discussions when you are out with friends or family or sitting down to a meal together. Have everyone agree to be present and enjoy one another’s company in the moment. 


Be intentional about the amount of caffeine you drink each day. Try to limit it to one cup of coffee each morning. By cutting back on caffeine you allow your body’s natural chemicals to work which makes you healthier and gives you a chance to lead a more holistic life. Too much caffeine can have adverse effects like ruining your sleep and creating anxiety.


Getting adequate amounts of restful sleep each night is crucial for your ability to lead a more mindful, holistic life. To ensure you are giving yourself the best possible chance at a solid night of sleep, try the following:

  • Stop looking at screens at least a half-hour before bed
  • Wear an eye mask to limit unwanted light from waking you up
  • Wear earplugs, headphones, or have a white sound machine to help lull your brain to sleep and keep it asleep

Sometimes it helps to practice a little gentle yoga before bedtime as well. It helps loosen muscles and increase blood flow, relaxing the body before it’s time to sleep.

Feel free to comment below. Would love to know what resonates most with you?

Have a beautiful day & Namaste,

Jen James
Celestial Yoga, LLC

p.s. I help stressed women manage chronic pain and stress through a holistic approach with gentle yoga exercises, mindfulness and self care techniques.

©2020 [Celestial Yoga, LLC]
Disclaimer: This program is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any illness or disease. The information provided in this program is for general educational purposes, has not been reviewed nor approved by the FDA and is not intended to take the place of advice from your medical professional, licensed dietitian or nutritionist. You are solely responsible for your health care and activity choices. We collect, use and process your data according to our Privacy Policy: