What’s Holistic Living and 5 Foundational Elements to my upcoming program and podcast on Holistic Living and Working on a Budget

Hey guys! It’s Jen James here of Celestial Yoga and I hope you’re having a beautiful day.

I empower stressed artists, creatives and heart-centered entrepreneurs to practice self-care, reduce anxiety and learn to live and work holistically on a budget.

Today, I want to talk about what Holistic Living is.

After some research, the best definition of Holistic Living I saw was from https://holisticperson.blogspot.com. is that that Holistic Living is “Dedicated to the principle of holism where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Holistic living means having a life that is all-encompassing – from the Self to the Universe — and incorporates the Whole Person — Body, Mind and Spirit.”

I like to take this a step further and say that Holistic Living encompasses all parts of our lives: Self, Family, Relationships, Work, Interests, and Health.

That all being said, my Top Tips that are the 5 Foundational Elements to my upcoming program and podcast on Holistic Living and Working on a Budget are the following:

  1. Stress Management and Healthy Habits;
  2. Budgeting and Time Management;
  3. Cooking and Clean Eating;
  4. Natural Cleaning and Beauty Products; and
  5. Working Holistically on a Budget.

If you really think about, without these Foundational pieces, life is out of balance and stressful.

I’ve been a Heart-Centered Entrepreneur now for over 17 years.

I began my Yoga and Meditation career in 2003 and I specialize in Stress and Pain Management.

I am a Health and Wellness Coach who specializes in Emotional Eating, Clean Eating, and Primal Health.

I have worked at gyms, hospitals, yoga studios, community centers, you name it!

I owned and ran a yoga studio (including managing over 10 instructors) for over 3 years.

I managed a law office for 9 plus years.

I’ve taken my business online and have learned a TON of the technical aspects of running a holistic and sustainable business online and offline.

I truly believe that us creatives and solo-preneurs want to make a difference in this world with our talents and expertise We seek joy, peace and connection and the need to stretch inside and out.

As creatives, we’re wired differently and tend to get overwhelmed by technology and, learning as we go.

We need to move past fear and anxiety in order to pursue our dreams and goals, which can be quite challenging at times.

I want to show you how to keep doing what you love while learning to care for yourself holistically on a budget.

Let’s break down the 5 Foundational Elements and Examples of my upcoming program and podcast on Holistic Living and Working on a Budget.

  1. Stress Management and Healthy Habits: No Phones or Stressful Conversations at Meals. It sounds difficult at first but in time it gets easier. Plus it is so good for you and your digestive system. Learning to be present and mindful and enjoy your own company, or the company of your friends, love ones or work colleagues as you chew, listen and reflect.
  2. Budgeting and Time Management: Practice Single Tasking vs. Multi-tasking. When we focus our energy and attention on something for a period of time (while being present and mindful) we tend to make fewer mistakes and actually save time and energy. Plus, our minds get into a repetitive, productive mode which then makes the task on hand more enjoyable and relaxing.
  3. Cooking and Clean Eating: Cook Intuitively. Listen to your instincts when cooking. Ask yourself what you need to use up in your pantry and refrigerator instead of being so rigid with a recipe. Think of recipes as guides instead.
  4. Natural Cleaning and Beauty Products: Witch Hazel for the skin is a natural toner, prevents razor bumps and soothes bug bites and much more.
  5. Working Holistically on a Budget: Time blocking. For example, go through and clean up email (delete, unsubscribe, organize) only one time a week. Daily choose one or two times to check and respond to email letting the important people in your life know that they can text or call you if it’s urgent. Time blocking has changed the way I work. Bonus: turn off all sound notifications, on the phone.

I would love to hear from you so respond below or join our Private Facebook Group: Holistic Living and Working on a Budget.

I’ve developed this FREE Holistic Living & Working on a Budget e-Guide so that you can start living your best life EVER while honoring your pocketbook! Be sure to join here or below and mark permissions. A lot of times, my email lands in the junk mail/spam so make sure you check often and save me under your contacts.

I look forward to connecting with you.

Have a beautiful day & Namaste,


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Disclaimer: This program is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any illness or disease. The information provided in this program is for general educational purposes, has not been reviewed nor approved by the FDA and is not intended to take the place of advice from your medical professional, licensed dietitian or nutritionist. You are solely responsible for your health care and activity choices. We collect, use and process your data according to our Privacy Policy: https://www.celestialyoga.org/…/terms-of-use-and-privacy-po…