Live a Simpler Live with Mindfulness Skills

Simplifying your life is more prominent now in the age of constantly growing internet and technology than it has ever been in the past. There is a reason you have been hearing more about mindfulness words like meditation, holism, yoga,…

Holistic Holidays: Gentle Yoga, Mindfulness and More

Last month we talked about the benefits of mindfulness during the holiday season. We detailed for you the many mental and physical benefits of meditation in addition to your gentle yoga practice. December brings around the final month of the…

Finally, there’s a better way to manage chronic back pain naturally.

Do you suffer from chronic back pain, tight hamstrings and hips? Need an innovative approach from a Pain and Stress Management Specialist with over 17 years teaching Approachable Yoga and Meditation? For Stressed Caregivers, First Responders and Health Care Workers,…